A Wheel Pass is required for anyone aged 18 and older using a bicycle, inline skates, skate board or a similar non-motorized wheeled recreational device on the Cannon Valley Trail. Pedestrians and people with disabilities using wheel chairs or similar devices are not required to purchase a Wheel Pass.
$30 – Annual pass (good for the current calendar year)
$7 – One-day pass
Note: The Wheel Pass is non-transferable and sold to the individual, not sold to the recreational device. (Example: tandem bikes require two passes if two adults are operating.)
Purchasing a Wheel Pass:
- By mail – Download Order Form, complete and mail with payment to Cannon Valley Trail Office
- On-line @ www.cannonvalleytrail.com – with credit card
- Trail side electronic pay stations – with credit card
- CF Downtown Access
- WSA Access
- Old West Main Access
- Trail side cash pay stations – cash or check
- CF Downtown Access
- Archie Swenson Fields Access
- Cannon Bottom Road Access
- Old West Main Access
- A.P. Anderson Rest Access
Season Passes ordered in one of these means will be mailed from the Trail Office. For Daily Passes – your receipt will be your pass.
Actual Passes will be received at the time of payment at:
- Trail Office – cash, check or credit card
- Weekend Trail Attendant – Sat or Sun May through Oct. – cash or check only
- Archie Swenson Field Access
- Welch Station Access
- RW – near Spring Creek & Tyler Road
- Business Vendors – check or cash only
- Althoff Hardware
- CannonBelles
- Family Fare Grocery – CF
- Cannon Canoe & Bike Rental
- Cannon Falls Campground
- RW Chamber Office
- Rolling River Bike Rental
- Bleu Dog Cafe
- Note: All credit/Debit card purchases will be accessed a 3% transaction fee to help cover our processing fees.
- Note: Season Passes purchased on-line, at Electronic/Credit Card pay station, or with the down loadable order form will be mailed to you. Please allow 7 days for processing.
- Note: Please use your purchase receipt as a temporary pass.
- Note: School/Educational Groups and Large Groups may be eligible for free or reduced daily passes. Click here for more information on Group Rates.
Revenue from the sale of Wheel Passes is used to support the Cannon Valley Trail. Thank you for YOUR support!